African Health Organization

We are a non-governmental organization whose purpose is to advance the course of medicine and health in Africa through cooperation with existing international organizations and agencies.

African Medical Information Systems (AMIS) is responsible for the development of a data bank to collect, analyze, publish and disseminate information for use in health planning and policy making.

African Health Education Services (AHES) has developed education material that is directed to address the health priorities of the various segments of the population. Health education is a vital part of the programs of AHO.

African Health Man Power Development (AHMD) is responnsible for recruiting and motivating African medical doctors and other allied health professionals to return home and use their expertise to the benefit of African health care system.

African Center for Research (ACR) will conduct research on new treatment methods for tropical diseases and other diseases unique to people of African origin such as Malaria, Ebola, Sickle cell anemia and a host of other diseases.

African Health Volunteer and Mobile Clinic Program (AHVAHMCP) delivers healthcare to the rural areas as a part of their community development projects. The mobile clinic is operated by a doctor, a community nurse and a driver. 

The African Health Volunteer is the backbone of the organization in that it coordinates the activities of both AMIS and the AHES. It ensures effective dissemination of vital information at the rural level.


(610) 522.2291
520 Pusey Ave - Suite 250 - Collingdale, PA