We are a non-governmental organization whose purpose is to advance the course of medicine and health in Africa through cooperation with existing international organizations and agencies.
The division is responsible for the development of a data bank to collect analyze, publish and disseminate information for use in health planning and policy making based on the organizations health priorities. In addition, the information provided by the data bank will be useful in publishing and conducting research in all areas that relate to health care, disease prevention and control. The organization will make use of all forms of advanced technology to reach both urban and rural areas especially our target populations in remote rural districts of Africa.
“AFRICAN HEALTH” magazine, the official mouthpiece of the organization, will provide updates of breakthroughs in medicine, science and technology as well as promote the activities of the organization. The “HEALTH VANGUARD” newsletter will acquaint the public with the activities of the organization. Surveys will be conducted to evaluate health programs of the organization as well as those of other local and international agencies. The backbone of the organization is the sophisticated health volunteer system that will yield immense results in making health information accessible to the rural masses.
Health education is a vital part of the programs of AHO. AHO has developed education materials that is directed to address the health priorities of the various segments of the population. It’s health education center includes the development and production of audiovisual aids bulletins, newsletters, posters radio, television and newspapers. Training in preventive medicine for health workers in both rural and urban areas is carried out by AHO through it’s health volunteer system. The health educator develops, organizes, and conducts training programs. Volunteers mobilize community awareness and involvement in preventive health services such as immunization as well as conduct lectures, seminars, and symposiums. We feel that the preparations of our health professionals in conjunction with their research and practice will meet the growing demands for health education specialists especially in remote areas of Africa where health care is not easily accessible. More education of the public coupled with more leadership training and policy development is required to keep pace with the challenges posed by inadequate training of health professionals as well as lack of attention to the priorities established by the general population.
We have realized that the problem facing Africa is not so much financial as it is lack of human resources management. What we lack is not resources but control. Consequently, this division is charged with the responsibility for recruiting and motivating African medical doctors and other allied health professionals and to encourage those overseas to return home and use their expertise to the benefit of African health care system. AHO is committed to creating a forum where health issues relating to African people will be discussed and proffer solutions. This would enable the work of our medical scientists to be brought to the attention of the world for due recognition. African Health Organization desires to help our professionals develop a sense of identity of who they and where they come from.
AHO Village Mobile Clinic Program
African Health Organization collaborates with university teaching hospitals to involve medical students in the delivery of health to the rural areas as a part of their community development projects. The mobile clinic is operated by a doctor, a community nurse and a driver. It is equipped with drugs, medical supplies and equipment. The schedule for the mobile clinic is set up by the Volunteer Area Manager while the Village Level Volunteer is responsible for mobilizing the community for the scheduled arrival of the mobile clinic. Referrals to community hospitals are made when appropriate.
It is the aim of the AHO to complement the work of WHO especially in the rural areas where a sizeable proportion of the population resides and also most severely affected by lack of health services. Generally, due to large scale movement of health professionals from the rural to urban areas, the rural areas are facing a severe shortage of health man power.
African Health Volunteers
The African Health Volunteer is the backbone of the organization in that it coordinates the activities of both African Medical Information Systems and the African Health Education Services. Through the medium of the health volunteer health information that is critical to the success of the programs is subsequently made accessible to the rural population.
To ensure effective dissemination of information at the rural level there is a joint effort of the three levels of volunteer namely the volunteer coordinators, Volunteer Area Manager and the Village Level Volunteer. Apart from working together as a team, each category of Volunteer has a clearly defined duty to perform.
African Center for research will conduct research on new treatment methods for tropical diseases and other diseases unique to people of African origin such as Malaria, Ebola, haemorrhagic fever, Sickle cell anemia, Schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, and a host of other diseases. The laboratory will be manned by qualified research scientists. Also, this division will conduct research on disease prevention and control. The Center for Research will engage in the development of new drugs, vaccines and appropriate medical equipment as well as ensure its equitable distribution. African Center for Research would secure grants for African Medical institutions and development grants for rural hospitals and medical centers.
· HIV/Aids and other communicable diseases.
· Health Man Power development
· Cultural Impact on Health
· Poverty and Health
· Population and Family Planning
· Child immunization
· Maternal and Child Health
· Nutrition
· Development of drugs, vaccines, and appropriate medical equipment
This division is established to:
· Foster the international alliance of African and African-American health professionals
· Enable our professionals to develop an identity and promote our cultural heritage
· Bring awareness to the African American community to develop health consiousness that would lead to the elimination of ignorance, poverty, and disease in all segments of society
· Establish increased knowledge, cooperation and linkages with black medical scientists in the diaspora
· Address issues relating to the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of blacks in Africa, the Americas, the Carribean and other parts of the world
· Devise a forum whereby issues relating to African American history can be discussed and acquaint our youths with the role played by our progenitors in shaping human destiny
· Maintain our cultural historical heritage
· Establish infrastructures that would open up the inner cities such as "Health Centers"